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Technical Support


Phone: (702) 914-7901

Fax:     (702) 914-7902


Hours: 9:00 – 5:00 M-F (PST)

VeraDyne Corporation

7428 Comanche Canyon Avenue

Las Vegas, NV 89113



About VeraDyne Corporation:

Founded in 1991, VeraDyne Corporation is committed to the development of advanced Alternative Health Care technologies.  The longevity and success of our company can be attributed to superior products and unrivaled customers support.


Thank you for visiting our website.  If you have any questions please contact us.

VeraDyne Corporation

7428 Comanche Canyon Avenue

Las Vegas, NV 89113

Tel:   (702) 914-7901

Fax:  (702) 914-7902

Hours: 9:00 – 5:00 M-F (PST)   

DISCLAIMER: We do not make any medical claims for the SC-5, nor  do we claim medical diagnostic ability for this hardware . The SC-5 functions as an ohmmeter .  The operator controls the use of the equipment. © Copyright - VeraDyne Corporation.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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